Sunday, September 9, 2007

I'm getting married!

Bf proposed to me last night (Saturday)!! So now we're getting married. I guess he's not bf anymore. Hm, now what is he? fe? fn? fc? Ooh, maybe fh for "future hubby." I think I'll go with that.

I kinda new it was coming, just not when. So I was surprised when he proposed. Even more so that he did it in French! Je t'aime. Tu m'epousera? I said, Oui! This guy totally knows how to melt my heart. Which is good, cuz we're going to be together for a long time now. Yay for us!

So here's how giddy I was. That night, we went out to dinner then met up with some friends to play laser tag. We were at the counter, and I was spacing out, thinking about marrying fh. Everyone else was discussing what there laser tag names were going to be--you know, the ones that show up on the tv's. So when ATeam asked what mine woiuld be, all I heard in my wedding-filled thoughts was, "What's your name going to be?" So of course I said Amanda --. Everyone busted out laughing. It took a while for them to calm down enough to explain to me what was really going on. Sigh. I have a feeling it's going to be like this for the duration of the engagement! And the n prolly after too. I'm a goober.


Christina MC said...

you're killing me here....i need pictures!

Shelley said...

Woo Hoo!!! I am soooooo excited!! But Christina is right you need pics! Esp. of the RING!!! Woo Hoo!!