Saturday, August 4, 2007

First blog ever

So this is... um, my first blog ever। I feel so hip. And technoligically savvy. Yay for me! So here's who I am. I'm a mid-twenties single mom. I was briefly married (now THAT is an interesting story), just long enough to get knocked up. I'm a Mormon (hence the momos thing, which is what my mom and I called ourselves). I went to BYU, got married, got pregnant, got seperated, got my diploma, got divorced, and voila! Here I am. I am now a grad student and I have a 3 year old girl. And I'm seeing someone. Yay for me again! So this is a pretty boring blog so far. I promise I'll be more exciting once I get past this intro junk, eh. heehee-now I feel like a Canadian. No offence to Canada. They rock. But for real. Stick around folks-it's gonna be a bumpy night!

Quelquefois je vais ecriver en francais. je le parle et j'aime la langue.

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