Monday, August 6, 2007

Monday Monday

I actually like Miondays since I don't have a real job. Or at least one where I get paid in money. Cause being a mom is a job, holla! School starts again soon, so I'll be working again, but until then... I like Monday's. I guess the most exciting thing that happened to me over the weekend was when I learned why they tell you to starp the wii hand thingie to your wrist (I know... technical terms are so my forte). My boyfriend bought me Resident Evil 4, which is really fun, but a scray game. We were playing late Saturday night when a fireball came flying and landed right on me. It scared me and I yelled and jumped, almost throwing the controller across the room. So peeps, strap the controller to your hand. They tell you that for a reason.

I feel a little depressed that that was the most interesting thing this weekend. Tonight I'm going to FHE with the sinlges, so maybe something fun will happen there (FHE= Family Home Evening. Our church counsels us to have one every Monday night with our family. We have a spiritual lesson, reads scriptures, sing hymns, whatever, then do a family activity like play a game. Since every night is pretty much FHE with my daughter, I go to a group FHE with all my single friends. It's fun.) Aight y'all. Amanda, out.

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