Monday, August 13, 2007

Weekend woes

So my bf's mom and bro were in town this weekend. While they were here, we came to my house and I set the alarm off. So I felt dumb, and was flustered when the alarm people called to check to see if everything's ok. Of course when they called I didn't respond correctly to their questions (to which we have preset answers). So then... the police come. Not just coming to check things out, but the driveway blocked and the house surrounded! OK, surrounded being one cop at the front door and one cop (er, police officer) in the backyard. But still, right? My dad just happened to be coming home right at that time, so he got issued a warning. What a great impression I must have made to bf's mom. Heavy sigh. nanoo nanoo.

Ma soiree francaise etait bonne. Le meme jour, j'ai dit a babyla (note: I call my daughter babyla. I got it from SNL, you know the one with Mike Myers playing the Jewish talk show host. This episode had Madonna and Roseanne played her mom. Madonna kept calling her mamala, which i started calling my mom. So naturally I transferred it to my babyla). Alors, le meme jour j'ai dit a babyla, "qu'est-ce que c'est" parce que je veux qu'elle comprend le francais. Elle connais "qui est-ce". Chaque fois que j'ai dit "qu'est-ce que c'est" elle a repondu "I can't" Quoi?! J'ai dit, "no, say qu'est-ce que c'est" Elle a repondu, "no." Peut-etre la phrase est si grande pour elle. Ou peut-etre elle ne s'inquiete pas. grande souffle. nanoo nanoo.


Shelley said...

Hee Hee! See and you were worried because last weekend's entry was too boring! Now when things happen to you, you'll think: "OOO! That would make a good blog!"

Edje said...

Congratulations on the exciting weekend!